Request a Termite Inspection in Granbury, TX
Furniture and other wooden items in your home need to be protected from wood-destroying insects. At House to Home Inspections & More, we are interested in doing a complete inspection of your property; that’s why we offer a termite inspection service in Granbury, TX. With over 20 years of experience in the construction and home inspection industry, we have noticed the importance of paying attention to those insects that damage wooden components. So if you want to have a thorough inspection, contact us and we’ll send over a reliable termite inspector.
We Help You Identify Wood-Destroying Insects
We Offer A Wood Boring Insect Inspection
While it is true that termites are the most common insects affecting wood, there are others that, although very small, can cause severe problems to your furniture and make you spend money on pest extermination or wood restoration. Our company doesn’t only do a termite inspection; we also determine the presence of other wood boring insects such as:
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpenter Bees
- Wood Boring Beetles
When you avail of our services, you enlist the help of our professional pest control inspector who is experienced in termite, ant, beetle, and bee control service. Our experienced employees will guarantee that any troublesome insects are completely detected.
Schedule Your Pest Inspection Today
Work With an Experienced Team
Don’t let wood-destroying insects take away your peace of mind. Whether you are buying a new home or have noticed termite signs on your property, request a termite inspection. You can also consider a broader pest inspection that includes other wood-destroying insects. Please consult with our pest inspector and request a professional service that guarantees your peace of mind. We offer this service in Granbury, TX, and the surrounding areas.